An Effective Leader is:

1. Fair, just and sincere. Objective in dealing with people, promotes equal opportunity for everybody and is sincere in dealing with his/her constituency.
2. Flexible rather than rigid. "A bad leader reacts to change, a good leader responds." Flexibility means the readiness to respond and to adapt to changes that may occur.
3. Visionary and results-oriented creates a vision and has the capability to attain the best result-to-effort, outcome-to-task and output-to-input ratios.
4. Strong commitment to the ideals of the organization. Uphold and protect the principle that the group stand for.
5. Honest and responsible. Sacrifice personal agenda for the common good.
6. Motivates and unites. Promotes cooperation, volunteerism and teamwork among members.
7. Transparent and accountable. Discloses all transactions and activities of the organization and is answerable to the organization.
8. Creative. Resourceful and innovative in managing the organization and not bounded by traditional means, exploring other possibilities in pursuit of the organization's objective.