Patterns Of Leadership Behavior

The experienced leader uses many complex and subtle means to exercise his influence and stimulate those he leads to creative and productive efforts. The scope of leadership behavior is complex, ranging from highly leader-centered to highly group-centered.

1. TELLING. The leader identifies a problem, considers alternative solutions, chooses one of them, and then tell his followers what they are to do. He may or may not consider what he believes the group members will think or feel about the decision, but they clearly do not participate directly in the decision-making. Coercion may or may not be used or implied.

2. SELLING. The Leader, as before, makes the decision without consulting his group. However, instead of simply announcing his decisions, he tries to persuade the group members to accept it. He points out how he has considered organization goals and the interest of the group members and he states how the members will benefit from carrying out the decision.

3. TESTING. The leader identifies a problem and proposes a tentative solution. Before finalizing it, however, he gets the reaction of those who will implement it. He says, in effect, "I'd like your frank reactions to this proposal, and I will make then the final decision."

4. CONSULTATIVE. The leader here gives the group members a chance to influence the decision from the beginning. He presents a problem and the relevant background information, then ask the members for their ideas on how to solve it. In effect, the group is invited to increase the number of alternative actions to be considered. The leader then selects the solution he regard is the most promising.

5. JOINING. The leader here participated in the discussion as "just another member"--and agree in advance to carry out whatever the decision the group makes. The only limits placed on the group are those given to the leader by his superiors.

When you are the recognized leader of a group, you have certain prerogatives and powers. This is true whether you are the president of a corporation, the supervisor of a department, or the chair of a voluntary committee. How you use the power will affect both the productivity of the group and the freedom of the subordinates or group members. As you, the leader, use less of your authority and power, the group members gain greater freedom in making decisions; as you use more of your power, the group's freedom decreases.